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Our Grantees
Fall 2024
logoAmplify Equity

Funding supports education for entrepreneurs in marginalized communities.

Grant supports the Emergency Family Fund at Beverly J. Martin School.

logoBoyce Thompson Institute
Grant supports a summer internship program for high school students interested in plant science.

logoChild Development Council
Grant supports the Basic Needs Program for local families.

logoCivic Ensemble
The grant supports monthly theatre workshops focusing on community issues.

Finger Lakes ReUse logoFinger Lakes ReUse
Grant funds a program helping to get reuse materials into household in need.

Finger Lakes Toy Library logoFinger Lakes Toy Library
Grant will support bringing toy library playtimes to rural communities.

Foodnet LogoFoodnet Meals on Wheels
Funds will support the creation of an outdoor container garden and additional space for food preparation.

Golden Opportunity logoGolden Opportunity
Funds supports tutoring and mentorship for student in need.

Ithaca Community Orchestra logoIthaca Community Orchestra
Grant supported their Fall Concert.

Ithaca Community Recovery logoIthaca Community Recovery
Funds will support the renovation of the Recovery Center's kitchen.

Ithaca Welcomes Refugees logoIthaca Welcomes Refugees
Funding helps to pay for household items.

Lansing Library logoLansing Community Library
Grant will fund the purchase of a new boiler.

Lansing Lunchbox logoLansing Lunchbox
Funds help to cover the cost of providing healthy snacks to students.

Mutual Aid logoMutual Aid Tompkins
Funds support purchasing items for the Food Sharing Cabinets program.

New Roots LogoNew Roots Charter School
Grant supports the Empowering Youth Entrepreneurs for Sustainability Program.

Open Doors logoOpen Doors English

Funding will support learning English through art experiences.

Shared Kitchen LogoShared Kitchen Ithaca
Grant supports the purchase of equipment for a shared kitchen space that supports new food businesses.

Ithaca Voice logoThe Ithaca Voice
The grant will support a news podcast and Youth Voices program.

Mental Health Association logoThe Mental Health Association
Grant will fund the expansion of the Peer Support Program and Facilitation training.

Women's Opportunity Center logoWomen's Opportunity Center
Funds supports their Cares - Outreach Program that serves women in community settings such as nursing homes.

WOW logoWOW Productions
Funds supported the production of The Sisters Fitz and Startz: Cook with Kids - A new musical for all ages.

Spring 2024
Alex Haley logoAlex Haley Memorial Garden

Grant supported the renovation and refurbishment of the Memorial Garden brick patio and bench.

BJM LogoBJM Afterschool
Grant helped to support the Academic Plus afterschool program.

Brooktondale Community Center logoBrooktondale Community Center

Funds helped to pay for the replacement of the Fire Hall roof.

Community Nursery Sch logoCommunity Nursery School at Cayuga Heights

Funds were used for day care scholarships for families with low incomes.

CSMA logoCommunity School of Music and Arts

Grant helped cover enhancing the security system at the school.

CUMEP logoCommunity Unity Music Education Program
Funds supported summer camp and theatre production.

Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers logoDorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers
Grant supported the Feast of Carols Winter Concert.

Family REading Partnership LogoFamily Reading Partnership
Grant underwrote the cost of books for community events.

Friends of Stewart Park logoFriends of Stewart Park
Grant helped support the construction of the Splash Pad and playground bathroom.

Hangar Theatre logoHangar Theatre

Grant helped to cover costs for their Kidstuff productions.

Historic Ithaca logoHistoric Ithaca
Grant supported technology and computer upgrades.

Hospicare LogoHospicare Services
Funds underwrote bereavement services.

Ithaca Children's Garden logoIthaca Children's Garden

Grant supported needed upgrades for summer programming.

Ithaca Community Childcare LogoIthaca Community Childcare

Grant helped to pay for new security measures at the facility.

INHS logoIthaca Neighborhood Housing Services
Grant supported the Minor Repair Program.

Kitchen Theatre LogoKitchen Theatre Company

Funds paid to have a new cyclorama for the theatre

Lifelong LogoLifeLong

Funds covered cost of new chairs for Meeting Rooms

Longview logoLongview

Funds were used to help make the pool more accessible to people of different abilities.

The grant was to support training for first responders

Sciencenter logoSciencenter
Funds supported Up Close and Personal animal exhibit.


Grant purchased medical and surgical equipment.

Special Olympics LogoSpecial Olympics NY

Grant supported the summer games held in Tompkins County.

Coop Extension logoTC Cooperative Extension

Funds supported workforce development opportunities.

YMCA LogoYMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County

Funds paid for adaptive wellness eequipment.

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