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Make a Gift to Legacy

There are many ways to support Legacy...

Over our 78-year history donors like you have generously given to the Legacy Foundation allowing us to support important local organizations that are critical to our quality of life in Tompkins County. Because of generous gifts from the community, our endowment is at $3.5M and allows us to award over $200,000 each year to worthy organizations. But the needs in our community continue to increase, and we receive more grant requests each year than the endowment can currently support. That is why the Board has decided to embark on an Endowment Campaign to help us build our resources and be able to support more local organizations.

Whether you choose to make an annual gift, a special gift, or participate in our Endowment Campaign, your gift helps to ensure that Tompkins County continues to be a wonderful place to live for our residents now, and for future generations to come.  All gifts are tax-deductible in accordance with the most current tax laws.

Annual Gifts:
Annual donations can be made to Legacy in the form of a check or marketable securities. Checks can be made out and mailed to: Legacy Foundation, P.O. Box 97, Ithaca NY 14851. To make a gift of stock contact Perri LoPinto.

Special Gifts:
Special Gifts are welcomed and greatly appreciated. These gifts can be in the form of a check or marketable securities. Gifts of real property are also welcome but also must be approved by the board.

Join our Endowment Campaign and help us serve the community for years to come!
Legacy’s Endowment Campaign is in celebration of our upcoming 80th anniversary in October 2025. Throughout the years, gifts to the endowment have allowed us to support Tompkins County non-profits. Those that have made planned gifts, or significant current gifts to the endowment are recognized in our Legacy Society.  We currently have 53 endowment gifts that have been recognized in the Legacy Society. Our goal is to have 80 gifts by October 2025. You can participate in the Endowment Campaign in two ways:

Planned Gift:
Name Legacy in your estate plans and be recognized in the Legacy Society. Some possible planned giving options are:

  • Bequest – name the Legacy Foundation in your will or estate planning
  • Charitable Trust – name the foundation as the beneficiary of the income or the remainder
  • Life Insurance, Retirement Assets, or Investment Accounts – name the Legacy Foundation as the beneficiary on all or a portion

Current Gift:
Make a gift to the endowment of $25,000 or more to participate in the Endowment Campaign and be recognized in the Legacy Society.

As with all significant giving we encourage you to speak with your financial advisor.

For more information on how you can support Legacy please contact: Perri LoPinto at: 607.319.0164 or email her at d[email protected]

                                      Thank you for supporting Legacy!


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